Take A Romp Through Norwalk History

Hello there, Norwalk theater lovers! 🎭 Clear your calendar! Crystal Theatre is bringing the curtain down on our debut community theatre season with a bang! Join us for a mesmerizing rendition of the original musical, “Whistleville – South Norwalk, 1907”, an unforgettable journey back in time. Mark these dates: Friday, August 4, 2023 at 8:00pm, […]

Check out How to Make Norwalk Better

Hey there, Norwalk community! 🎉 Get ready to The Norwalk Redevelopment Agency on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm for a virtual get-together that we believe you’ll find both informative and exciting! We’re thrilled to bring you a sneak peek at a groundbreaking project: The Sustainability and Resilience Plan. The Redevelopment […]

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